School Fee Benefit
The SmartFunder School Fee Benefit offers amazing discount of up to 25% at our partner institutions, listed below, when paying your education fees directly from payroll.
Not registered at one of our partner institutions? We all know the payment of school- or any education fees can be a hassle for both institutions, who need to collect these fees timeously, and parents, who need to plan monthly to make sure that they have sufficient funds in their bank account.
Traditionally, education fees are paid via a bank account, however with the SmartFunder School Fee Benefit, we have engineered a smarter way to make these payments by including school/education fees as part of the remuneration structure of employees.
This allows employees to pay their education fees directly from payroll before the money gets paid in their bank accounts and offers peace of mind to institutions as these payments are guaranteed. As a reward, our partner educational institutions offer discount to education fees for all participating employees.